Immagina Malfy On-Trade Brand Experience
We have partnered with Malfy Gin to design a new and imaginative on-trade brand world and consumer experience. Centered around the Immagina Malfy campaign, this refreshed look and feel ventures to transport you to the bright and sensorial world of Malfy.
Provoking the senses, exuding style, and embracing the essence of botanical wonders, this is an invitation into a world that is chic, vibrant, and above all, convivial. Immagina beckons consumers to revel in the realm of Malfy.
It builds upon Malfy's pre-existing and well-established brand universe, which previously drew inspiration from the Amalfi Coast in a very literal sense. Our challenge was to create something uniquely identifiable, steeped in sensory delight, and tailored to our target audience – the young, sociable trendsetters aka. ‘The Stylistos’.
The refreshed Malfy brand world leads us from the Amalfi to Malfy, drawing inspiration from the quintessential Italian Piazza. Our focus is on recreating a space where people can come together, socialize, and embark on journeys of exploration. The aspiration is to captivate the senses, with cascading waterfalls, fragrant domes, screens concealed behind enigmatic doors, and an abundance of botanical wonders thoughtfully dispersed throughout each space.
Every element of the brand world is inspired by the effortlessly chic Italian way of life, endeavoring to transport you to a world that is drenched in color, radiance, and sensory delight. It's not merely a solitary place; rather, it is an amalgamation of various locales, all infused with a touch of heightened reality.